Sunday, January 28, 2007

Poetry Homework

To speak, or not to speak? That is the question.
To proclaim to culture,
whose life was born through Ignorance,
that their purpose is shaped by life. Their life.
A life most foul and decieving of the Creator's plan for his children
A root so deep, not even its birth can pull it up without piercing
the very essence of it's purpose--to live, to grow.
Though purpose is false and blind and vile in a place where
Ignorance is worhsiped and embraced,
my heart goes out to those whose words
remain confined in a prison of youth and sculpted by socity, its guard.
But my heart goes, also, to myself--
whose love for my people can only remain a theory and thought until they,
with Ignorance and Confidence,
can usurp their truth and understanding of themselves.
And, until with arms embracing one another
can we whole heartedly
-Lindsey T.


Princess_Stepha said...

Lindesy, i really like your poem!! I did not expect ot to be writtenby you, not that you can not write a good poem but it sounds like something that was previously published. As for it being a refelction of your voice, i can totally hear you reading the poem as it isyour own. Well from what i know about you, you are really into cultural stuff and this poem really says lot about what you thinnk bout and how you feel towards things.

Anonymous said...

I really like this poem because it express their tone and feelings in one poem.I like the part where it says "ignorance is worshipped and embraced," because that was one of my arguments of how corrupted life is.

Lei Lei said...

the one with anonymous is me...something went wrong with this computer

Ms. P said...

Lindsey, I really liked this poem, I think that it really reflects you as a person, your voice. I feel that this is something that you would say or think to say for that matter. It really made me think about the things that we should say or should not say